Join us for a morning of DSVC fun on bikes! We will be visiting White Unicorn Agency, Couplarux Art Printing Services, and The Meteor Cafe as we ride (or walk) through the Design District with our after party at Peticolas Brewing Company. We will have distances available for all skill levels, and family fun for the kids at check-in! Your registration includes DSVC Fall Classic swag and refreshments.
The DSVC Fall Classic is a fundraiser for the DSVC Foundation. The Foundation seeks to help assist high school seniors who wish to pursue a career in the visual arts by providing aid to help ease the first-year financial college burden.
This is a brand new year! Not only are we riding on a Saturday, we are encouraging you to bring your little ones and we are offering 3 routes to accommodate different levels: 7 miles, 3 miles and walking 1 mile! In addition, arrive early and get up close with a fire truck and play some ggames at our mini carnival. Don't forget to wear your costumes!
Bike helmet is required if you are riding.

Check in begins at 9:15am. Arrive early and get up close to a fire truck and firefighters, play in the mini carnival games and win prizes!